Saturday, August 18, 2007

RStheGr8: Beneficial detour?

As a result of the 35W bridge collapse here at the beginning of this month, I have had to make several changes. And through this period, I've been looking for positive outcomes that have occurred as a result. I've come up with many. But one of them just hit me today:

I am no longer a five-minute drive away from McDonalds and those tempting fries.

Yeah, it may not sound like much but it's been a good thing. The fact that I'd literally have to drive out of my way to get there--almost tripling the one-way travel time--I've managed to decide it's just not worth it.

By the way, I am totally serious. It's been a good thing for me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

way to think positive..thats the spirit..