Sunday, January 20, 2008

RStheGr8: Brainstorming... wrong place, wrong time

I always problem solve and come up with some great ideas, inspirations and plans. But at the wrong time.

Usually, I am in the wrong place to be coming up with such great ideas. It's a bad place or time because I'm not supposed to be thinking or I don't have anywhere to write things down.

Here are a few examples:
In class
In church
During a deep conversation with someone (in person or on the phone)
While driving
While away from my computer
During a meeting
Right when I'm trying to fall asleep

I don't know why these times are so perfectly wrong for me. Half the time I later can't remember exactly what I thought was such a great idea at the time.

I just want to know why this even happens. I try so hard no to think about things that they just seem to fall into place. If only this would happen more often at the RIGHT time.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

She's On the Money: More on Apple

I found the following comment while reading an article on Marketwatch on Apple's latest announcements. I think this comment does a good job of explaining what the company is doing.

The iphone story is about the recurring revenue stream from taking a portion of the phone bill. The same with itunes. Apple is generating hardware that continues to generate earnings. It is like HP selling printers in order to get significant income from the ink. This is significant because investors will pay a premium for earnings transparency.

One word: MONETIZE.

Apple realizes it's products could be even better in the future but what they're doing is building an empire around products that continue to generate money. This most overtly started with the iPod then the iPhone and now Apple TV and the MacBook Air and so on...

For these products, you have to spend more money either on music, movies or accessories and adapters. It's pretty much inevitable.

That's what I think too many companies fail to do. Apple has made this their focus. People will continue to use and spend money on Apple products and iTunes--what other alternatives are there, really?

Apple, once again, is in an excellent position.

Do I own stock? No, but I wish I did.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

RStheGr8: Six months later, not much progress

It's been nearly six months since I was in Minneapolis surrounded by this drama.

And as of today, they still don't have a sufficient explanation, in my opinion. 13 people dead and still no way to explain what happened to their families.

However, I am still thankful that I was more or less unaffected by the events. And even better, I got to leave. I am no longer reminded daily of the horrific scene that stole many nights of peaceful sleep.

But I will continue to pray for those involved.

She's On the Money: I heart Mac

Apple announced their newest laptop and you KNOW I want it.

While I realize it would be financially irresponsible to buy a new laptop when (1) I don't need one and (2) I don't have the free cash sitting around, I refuse to let that stop me from dreaming about it.

The idea that a Mac laptop is even more portable is amazing. The idea to do everything wirelessly and without a lot of peripherals is pretty neat and innovative. (Everything they do is innovative...duh.) But I do admit there are some things I'm not too pleased about.

Firstly, the elimination of drives and ports almost forces users to spend more money...either buying from the iTunes store (I will give you my 2 cents on iTunes in another post) or buying extra converters and drives. Also, you almost have to have another computer meaning the MacBook Air cannot be your only computer.

On the other hand, the invention of the time capsule is perfect. You can use it to store files and wirelessly access anything on the computer networks.

Bottomline: I want one. But I'll patiently wait for the improvements that will likely come from a 2G introduction.

Next step: iPhone?!?

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Happy New Year

Trinity United Church bringing in the New Year with Common at the pulpit: