Wednesday, October 29, 2008

RStheGr8: And the simplification continues...

Over the past month, I've been working to simplify my thoughts and as a result simplify my routine and priorities. That simplification process will continue.

Now onto phase 2:

Despite the fact that I've moved around more than 6 times over the past 8 years, I've still managed to hold on to a lot of stuff. Of course, I've at the same time acquired more over the years too. But I've decided that I don't want to have so much stuff. It takes a lot of time and energy to not only find stuff but to organize it and go through it ever so often.

This week, I am in the process of getting rid of stuff. I am having a virtual garage sale starting this weekend. I will be getting rid of gadgets, books, DVDs, clothes, shoes and any other items that I don't need or have not used in the past couple months. Even if I don't manage to sell it all, I'm setting it aside and organizing it. If it doesn't sell by a certain time (I could use the extra cash), I'll look to donate.

One benefit of removing the clutter will be my ability to appreciate all that I have. I've been blessed with so much and instead of holding onto and hoarding what I have, it's time to allow God to be able to bless me with more.

A man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.
Luke 12:15 NIV

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