The Fox told me that I am always negative and that I reject all suggestions to be positive and think positively. I have a tendency to let the bad outweigh the good when in reality, it's the other way around.
I'm going to try this whole positive outlook thing. It's going to take work though because I have been so negative throughout my life.
But here's a start:
Michael A., who worked on HUABJ with me, told me that I was his "S-Hero" and that he just knew I was going to have a job when I graduate. It was flattering and made me feel good that he thought so highly of me. I didn't even take it as hollerage because it was said in a very respectful way. Nonetheless, it was nice to hear that.
Also, it is inspiring to know that my aunts and cousins think so highly of me, too. Taryn and Tyler were sooo excited to see us that they ran around the house screaming for hours.
It's so easy for me to forget the good...that's why I have to constantly remind myself. I know that's not normal.
"God, Please help me to focus on the positive and thus change my outlook. I want to change and I need Your help. Thank you. I love you."
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Posted by
8:40 PM
Monday, November 29, 2004
I took a long nap and I feel so much better.
I just talked to sister and mom. They had a chance to visit Spelman, Morehouse and Clark Atlanta today. My sister really liked Spelman and mommy liked it 'cuz it's small and close to the other colleges.
I returned all of my business calls so now it's personal. :)
Posted by
10:59 PM
Sunday, November 28, 2004
We took forever to get to the King Center. On the way, we stopped at the airport to exchange our "hairy" car and then got lost trying to get to this obscure restaurant near the King Center called Thumbs Up. It was really good. The burger was the bomb and so were the fries. My cousin was just lickin' her fingers and eatin' up all the crumbs to her chicken fingers. It was a Kodak moment. We got to the King Center just as it closed for the day (9-5). But we had a chance to look at the memorial and the home. It was a nice little visit. Now, I'm bout to go back to the good ole mom's gonna press my hair!
Posted by
9:03 PM
I went to Crossroads Church this morning. It was very different from what I'm used to...very little fluff and straight to the point.
A guitarist named Doyle played for a good 30 minutes. I was trying not too laugh the whole time thinking about the Chappelle Show and how some people react to the electric guitar. It was soo very true today!
The preacher spoke from Psalms 100 about being grateful. Are you living a grateful life?
It made me stop and think for a minute. I know I have a lot to be thankful for...I just need to continually realize it.
Daddy and I went to the Waffle House for breakfast and it was good. I had way too much to eat: eggs, grits, bacon, toast and a waffle.
We're about to go do something else now...
Posted by
2:57 AM
First Post
I'm new to this whole blogging game...but daily journaling (as it was once called) is nothing new. I wanted a place to post my daily thoughts...
These days all I seem to be thinking about is my future. Where will I be a year from now? Right after I graduate? Will I be near family, b/f, friends?
Who knows...
In the meantime, I'll be working hard to graduate and solidify my post-grad plans. I know I have so much to look forward to...I just need to work on trusting God more. He has always helped me and always will...
Posted by
12:40 AM