So yesterday, I had a wonderful opportunity to spend a couple hours in the Cupertino Public Library. It was a small piece of heaven for me. My brother on the other hand was bored out of his mind. It was a good experience for me nonetheless confirming my love for all libraries. I had a chance to get a couple hundred pages of The Other Woman read. I am on a reading spree now...
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Posted by
4:15 PM
Friday, December 24, 2004
Long Time
It's been awhile since my last post...mainly because I've been travelling and without internet access.
Anyways, it's now official. I'll be at the Balt. Sun this summer!
I'm chillin' at home trying to enjoy my LAST long winter break. It sure has been nice. It's gonna be a LONG semester.
Posted by
9:54 PM
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Word about The Hilltop going daily is spreading like wild fire. G left a msg for me about it today. I saw a msg on the NABJ list serv about it. I think that's great. I'm excited and glad to be a part of a change, a movement...HISTORY!
There's a lot to look forward to next year. I pray for the strength, preparedness and energy for it all.
Posted by
10:17 PM
The Fox and I went to D&B at White Flint last night. It was a whole lot of fun. We found this game that was acting weird and it kept spraying us with tickets. We each got $10 cards and ended up with 868 tickets at the end of our gaming. They had a walk-in store that was fun to be in. We're going to save the tickets so we can get something nice later.
We had fun shopping in Borders, too. I didn't know the Fox liked bookstores so much. The Fox was in a kind of heaven. It was cute.
It feels good to have the bulk of my work behind me. Now, I can concentrate on this interview, the last few assignments and enjoying my break.
Posted by
8:43 AM
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
FINANCE is finally over! (hopefully) Well, I just took my final and we'll see how that goes.
Now I'm headed over to the school to teach the kids.
I got a lot going on today.
Posted by
12:37 PM
Monday, December 06, 2004
Looking Up
I got a call from the Balt. Sun today. It was unexpected especially considering I didn't apply. I am going in for an interview on Friday with their biz folks. This could be a good opportunity but I'm going to pray on it.
Either way I have to get a car. Daddy help me! :)
But I like the way this looks so far...
Posted by
2:00 PM
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Keep following. Keep trusting. Keep obeying. God is still leading. It might not appear to be working out, but don’t give up. Flops are not necessarily failures.
bottom line: Life’s flops are not God’s mistakes.
This is the message taken from today's Soul Journey. It really relates to what I'm going through. It seems so hard to trust God especially when bad things keep happening. But I will continue to do so, resting on the promise that God will never leave me nor forsake me.
Posted by
8:43 AM
Saturday, December 04, 2004
The Fox and I had a great day today. We went to breakfast at Wilson's. That was cool. Then we took the metro to the movie theaters at Gallery Place. The movie theater wasn't crowded at all. I'm glad we chose to see National Treasure. It was a good movie and we both enjoyed it. Afterwards, we enjoyed some delicious Haagen Daz ice cream. It was great. Then we headed back and I headed to the library for a couple hours. I thought I'd be able to read above my daily requirement but my brain said NO.
Now, I'm waiting for my lasagna to be done.
Posted by
5:54 PM
Friday, December 03, 2004
The Fox and I had a nice little chat by the reservoir behind the Blackburn center.
In fact, it turned into a mouse-spotting event! There were tiny little mice crawling around in the restaurant and the worse part: they seemed right at home.
I had hard time studying today in the library. I was scared of being locked in the stacks since I didn't know what time they closed. On top of that, I was getting frustrated with the material. It was like trying to eat when you're not hungry--my brain just wasn't havin' that. But I'm going to take another stab at it tomorrow.
We went to teach the 4th graders this morning. They were very excited to see us as usual...but they were getting a little too comfortable. One of the kids kept calling me Ms. Sweeney...knowing that isn't my name. Another little girl, Kennedy, told me she was going to be as short as me when she grew up. At the end, two of the girls tucked their arms under mine like we were straight buddies. Andre came and looked me in my eye and told me he was taller than me. He's going to be a cutie someday but for now he better what it...But the kids really like us, though I'm not sure why. Sometimes we feel that the lessons are super-boring. But they seem to like them for the most part. Sometimes we have a hard time explaining it to them, too. But it's all good.
Posted by
10:12 PM
Every now and then there seems to be a void I try to fill...But the reality is, those voids can only be filled by God.
Our heart is made for God alone,
For only He can satisfy;
But oh how much we yearn for things
That in the end are but a lie.
As I go about my day, filled with things I don't necessarily want to do (like going to the middle school), I will try to have a positive attitude, knowing that God is looking after me and that He cares.
Posted by
7:13 AM
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Soul Journey
Wisdom is the ability to consistently make good choices, according to James.
James 3:13: Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in humility that comes from wisdom.
To love God is to obey God. (ODB)
All of these lessons are important to me as I continue my journey through college and my career.
Thank you God for answering prayer. YOUR will, not mine.
Posted by
11:13 AM
God answers prayer, this time, just maybe not how I thought He would. I got a rejection from the WSJ and I feel crushed. But at the same time, I did ask for a sign. The Herald Leader gave me more time to decide, too.
I have a lot planned for this day. We'll see how it all unfolds...
Posted by
10:07 AM
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Pick Up
I had a hot-fudge sundae from McDs. It was a nice treat. I had a long talk with V about girl stuff and that was insightful and fun.
There was a fire drill in both Towers today. But I locked myself in my room because I refused to participate. I just didn't want to...I know that's horrible but I just felt like rebelling for a second. I know I wasn't the only one.
I finally straightened up my room. I'm just kinda chillin' for now. I talked to my family for a minute and handled some biz phone calls. It's been a good night.
I am glad to know God is on my side.
Posted by
11:41 PM
No MOB class today...Thank God! I ended up writing my ethics paper and studying finance.
I prayed in the chapel today for the first time. It was so peaceful and serene in there. I have a big decision to make. And I'm just making sure I am making the right one.
I ran into V today and decided to go with her to babysit Taylor. We went to McD's and had a good ole time going over spelling words like lady, thief and bird. It was a lotta fun.
Posted by
7:19 PM
It's so windy today. When I first left the room, it was overcast, grey, windy and raining. Now the sun is out and it's windy. Kinda weird.
Today is World AIDS Day and I encourage everyone to get tested.
I have to go to my Management class for the last time this year. Praise God! I'm really happy about that. I'm gonna go to that class then go study finance and write my ethics paper. I want to get a lot accomplished today. Then I'll chill. I might go with Kamari to Leonard's basketball game. We'll see.
Posted by
11:07 AM