Tuesday, December 25, 2007

RStheGr8: Gone but not forgotten...

It's been nearly 20 days since my last post but it honestly doesn't feel that long.

I've accomplished a LOT over the past several days.

I graduated from Northwestern.

I moved out of my penthouse in the graduate dorm.

I scoured the city for my first true rental unit. Then I "graduated" to searching for my first condo.

I've visited dozens of places--some multiple times. I've met with mortgage brokers and bankers. I've been online non-stop researching everything from start to finish.

I'm on my way to homeownership! So far, it's been a true learning experience. I've already experienced disappointment. I put in my very first offer on a place. I didn't get my first choice. Or my second choice.

But I've still got a smile on my face because I know God will lead me to the right place. And also because I know it'll be just what I want and need.

I really can't wait to move in to my new place. It'll also be nice to have something to call my own as well as something constant in my life during such a big personal transition. I can't wait to be done with moving for a long time.

I can't wait!

Merry Christmas to me (even if it's late)!

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