Wednesday, February 06, 2008

RStheGr8: Escalators

This past Sunday, I heard of a great way to visualize our walk with God. There's how it should be and how it shouldn't be.

If given a choice to take an escalator or walk up the stairs, which would you choose?

Often times, it doesn't seem that simple in our actual walk with God. Instead of being guided by the Spirit, we are trying to do things in our own power.

I know that when I choose to walk the stairs (over taking the escalator) I reach the top feeling tired, dazed and exhausted. If I would've simply taken the escalator, I wouldn't have experienced those same feelings.

So what'll it be? Cruising with God or pulling yourself along the path without any help, support or assistance?


Anonymous said...

is that you in the plaid, grey sweater vest? lookin kinda

Anonymous said...

I love this post.