Monday, July 23, 2007

RStheGr8: CAN

For some reason, I was thinking about some of my early church memories.

My dad volunteered to drive a bus (which later became a van) to pick up kids from the different neighborhoods and bring them to church on Tuesday nights for CAN (children’s activity night).

I remember how excited we all were to see each other and to learn new Bible stories. Our highlight of the night was (honestly) the snacks. Every Tuesday night, we got some kind of snack such as cookies, candy, chips, etc. If you weren’t on your best behavior, you missed out.

I feel that CAN gave me a solid foundation and it enhanced my regular church and Sunday school attendance. It was more laid-back and relaxing because it wasn’t Sunday and provided the opportunity to learn and ask questions in a smaller setting.

Now the church doesn’t have these formal “pick-up” services. I wonder how else CAN has changed. I wonder if not having transportation prevents some kids from coming. I wonder if there is a difference between the kids who go to CAN and the kids who don’t.

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