Tuesday, July 31, 2007

RStheGr8: Last few days

Over the last few days I've said to myself: "I wish I could stay in the moment longer."

I've been blessed to have those days that I want to last. I want to savor the time, the memories, the way I feel, the weather, my positive mood and outlook, great conversation and intriguing people.

I'm thankful for good times and for the opportunity to enjoy them.

Here's a quote from a poem I wrote quite some time ago. I think it's interesting how it's very much still applicable and relevant to my life even now.

"It's funny how pleasurable memories seem transient and ethereal when you need them."

I want to hold onto these feelings even when they seem far away. I want to record these moments as experiences of a lifetime.

Ahhh...the joys of growing up and living and enjoying the life God blessed me with.

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