Friday, August 17, 2007

Fashionista L: Shopping with a strategy

I admit that I have problems--many of them.

One that came to forefront today was my problem with not wanting to pay for certain things. Now don't get it twisted--I'm not talking about stealing. I just want to see what I can pull.

With that in mind, I've been shopping for a new fragrance to replace my current wimpy summer selection. The problem is: I don't have any intention of buying a new one until I finish what's left.

But I went into a fragrance store to find that new scent. I left with a handful of samples. Those will hold me over until I'm actually ready to buy. Something for nothing? Just about. I made small talk in the store so that it wasn't obvious that was the only thing I wanted. However, walking in, I knew that's what I wanted to walk out with but I couldn't just do that.

Learnings: Get what you want WHENEVER you can.

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