Monday, October 06, 2008

RStheGr8: On writing

One of my passions is writing. I admit that in the past year I haven't done much of it. But I want that all to change. I have a public platform and a large network to make sure I can get it done. I first found out about the National Novel Writing Month last week by chance. Basically, it's a community of people who buckled down for the entire month of November to crank out 50,000 words or about 175 pages.

For years, I've talked about writing my first book. It hasn't yet happened. But I will take this opportunity (and challenge) to get started. There's no better time to get started.

If you'd like to follow my journey through the month of November, click here.

I know it's not going to be easy and I could definitely use all the support of my readers. Feel free to check in on me throughout the month of November to make sure I'm on track writing 1,700 words per day. I'd greatly appreciate it. And who knows? I may dedicate my first bestseller to you! ;)


SDT said...

Hey, while you're at it, would you like to write my term paper on Benjamin Banneker? :)

Unknown said...

I happen to be a Benji Banneker expert

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! We should all join together and celebrate our pain for NaNoWriMo

Leon1234 said...

yo, I am doing that too! let's team up:0