Monday, November 05, 2007

RStheGr8: A lot to think about

I've had a lot to think about lately. Fortunately, most of it is positive. I haven't had trouble sleeping but I have had some very vivid and interesting dreams--none of which have been related to what's going on in my life right now.

The two dreams I remember most clearly are so strange that I almost hesitate to share them.

The first involved me and my sister running through someone's garden. We were running away from something but we had to watch our step because we were ruining the garden (as the owners looked on). The way we decided to run through was really interesting.

In my other dream, I saw myself sleeping through repairmen coming through my apartment and making drastic changes. They changed the locks and more interestingly, they changed my entire bathroom (shower, sink and toilet) into an all-in-one fixture. Because I woke up after everything was finished, I didn't have a chance to ask about how it all worked. I remember being frustrated because it was so confusing.

I don't know what to make of my dreams as they are strange and complex. But I think I do understand that all the problem-solving I do during the day has an interesting way of manifesting itself during the night.

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