I've been dealing with Sprint all weekend and it's been nothing short of a complete mess and a nightmare. I've lost hours this weekend that I'll never get back.
First of all, if you want something done, you need to call repeatedly to get someone who can actually help you. Then you must be transferred to every single department. During my interactions with Sprint I was transferred more than 15 times and I have 10 DIFFERENT Sprint numbers to show for it.
So my advice when dealing with Sprint: If within the first 30 seconds of the call you sense any attitude or incompetence, just hang up. It's better to start all over again than to deal with that frustration.
Next, call back again to confirm what was supposed to have been done by the last representative. You'd be surprised how many different representatives see different things on the account.
You need to be SURE that your business is handled. Note: This may require more than 2 calls.
Monday, November 26, 2007
She's On the Money: Lessons Learned about Sprint
Posted by
11:56 AM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
RSdoesNU: Little time left...
I am one 10-page paper, one Powerpoint presentation and one final exam away from no longer being a student.
It feels weird. I knew this day would come but didn't imagine it coming so soon. I'm thankful that I'll have another degree soon.
But it's funny because months ago I said I never wanted to be a student again. Meanwhile, that will definitely be the case in a few weeks. But is that really the end?
Posted by
3:10 PM
RStheGr8: Reviews
Lately, I've been relying on reviews of others a lot. I've placed great weight and importance on the opinions of others. I decided not to buy items online because I saw what others thought. On the other hand, I purchased items because of others' positive experiences.
I think there should be a way to keep reviews on other people. I should be able to do my "research" on people that I invite into my social circles beyond criminal history and voting records. Those kind of public records don't allow you to see if someone is crazy. I believe some kind of database like this would help to not only save time but also lost energy and potentially dangerous situations.
Of course it would be just that--the opinion of another person. But at least one would be armed with a better potential way to screen friends and other associates. Call it more descriptive and anecdotal research to better assist the social development process.
Posted by
1:09 PM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
She's On The Money: Black Friday...Possibly my new favorite shopping day
I participated in Black Friday for the first time two years ago. It was pure foolishness so I said I'd never do it again. Ever since, I've talked bad about the people who shop with the herds and masses on this ridiculously advertised shopping day.
But this year, I decided give it a try and I went again. This time I went to not one store but 4 different stores! All I could think about was capitalizing on the sales. I think I single-handedly helped save a bunch of retailers with my purchases and excitement.
I haven't felt that excited about shopping since China. The prices weren't as rock bottom as Asia but they were close. It felt good knowing that I was getting what may be the best prices of the year.
Yes, I do realize that the prices may continue to go down but I've never been one to need to keep checking up on prices. However, I also love the fact that even with all the great prices, I still can change my mind and take stuff back.
But what a surprisingly good feeling I got from shopping with the masses. I didn't see that one coming.
Posted by
5:02 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
RStheGr8: In case you care how I spent my summer...
Posted by
9:55 PM
Labels: internship, residency, summer, work
Monday, November 05, 2007
RStheGr8: A long walk
As i walked home from campus today, I must say I was nervous. Aside from getting used to the time change and related darkness, it was eerily quiet.
I am convinced that my suburban neighborhood is more scary and potentially dangerous than some areas in major cities.
I say that because in the suburbs, people drive. In the city, people walk. Therefore, being a pedestrian after dark is strange. It's almost as if you're inviting yourself to be target.
I may be just paranoid. But I'd rather that than have a false sense of security.
Posted by
8:28 PM
She Unit: Just to chill...
With all that's going on, it's easy to get caught up in the moment. The new Anthony Hamilton song from the American Gangster soundtrack is my "chill" track of the moment. I just close my eyes and I can really feel the song:
Posted by
1:39 PM
Labels: chill
She's On the Money: Looking to the future
After much anticipation, I'm happy and proud to say that I have a job offer!
With the offer, I've also been presented with lots to think about: Where am I going to live? How much do I want to spend? Do I want to have a roommate? And on and on...
I told my mom about all the places I was considering and how much it would cost to rent and how I was very particular about the amenities I want. She offered a suggestion I was NOT expecting:
Have you considered buying a house?
Wow. It sounds so final and....OLD!
I gave it a lot of thought and it does make sense if not right now to at least consider over the next year or so. It's not like I'll be going back to school anytime soon. I have my car. I'll have a job that I plan on spending a few years at. The most logical next step is buying a place.
At the same time, I'm also reminding myself that I am getting older. But I consider myself fortunate to be able to be in a position to do so. What better way is there for me to build wealth?
Posted by
1:23 PM
Labels: future, home ownership
RStheGr8: A lot to think about
I've had a lot to think about lately. Fortunately, most of it is positive. I haven't had trouble sleeping but I have had some very vivid and interesting dreams--none of which have been related to what's going on in my life right now.
The two dreams I remember most clearly are so strange that I almost hesitate to share them.
The first involved me and my sister running through someone's garden. We were running away from something but we had to watch our step because we were ruining the garden (as the owners looked on). The way we decided to run through was really interesting.
In my other dream, I saw myself sleeping through repairmen coming through my apartment and making drastic changes. They changed the locks and more interestingly, they changed my entire bathroom (shower, sink and toilet) into an all-in-one fixture. Because I woke up after everything was finished, I didn't have a chance to ask about how it all worked. I remember being frustrated because it was so confusing.
I don't know what to make of my dreams as they are strange and complex. But I think I do understand that all the problem-solving I do during the day has an interesting way of manifesting itself during the night.
Posted by
1:16 PM
Labels: dreams, problem-solving, thinking