Over the past few years I've put on a few pounds. At first, I didn't believe it was happening. I had been able to eat whatever I wanted and gained not one ounce. The proof is here. There are articles of clothing I've held onto for a few years that now I can no longer wear.
Now those times of not worrying about my weight have arrived. I don't have pictures to illustrate this change so I stole this picture of a 'celebrity' to illustrate how my body has changed over the years. While it's not exactly my choice of outfit, the two silhouettes outline these changes.
P.S. Sorry for the bootleggedness of the picture. I'm just trying to make a point.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
She Unit: Changes
She's On the Money: Credit cards vs. Cash
I finally have a credit card that gets me rewards. Needless to say I've been taking advantage of that. In fact, I almost never use cash these days and I've even just about abandoned my debit card.
It doesn't help that I don't have a bank branch in the area.
But I realize just how lethal using plastic can be. I can more easily spend with plastic than I can with cash. And better yet, I almost don't even have to think about it. No counting dollars and sense. Just swipe and sign. Sometimes just swipe. But I must fight the temptation to use my excuse for plastic use--I earn rewards points. It's time to get back to good, old fashioned cash. It's almost as easy to spend yet there are set, tangible limits.
It is going to be hard to break this more recent habit. Sigh.
Posted by
9:38 PM
Labels: cash, credit cards, debit cards, money, rewards, spending
RStheGr8: Last few days
Over the last few days I've said to myself: "I wish I could stay in the moment longer."
I've been blessed to have those days that I want to last. I want to savor the time, the memories, the way I feel, the weather, my positive mood and outlook, great conversation and intriguing people.
I'm thankful for good times and for the opportunity to enjoy them.
Here's a quote from a poem I wrote quite some time ago. I think it's interesting how it's very much still applicable and relevant to my life even now.
"It's funny how pleasurable memories seem transient and ethereal when you need them."
I want to hold onto these feelings even when they seem far away. I want to record these moments as experiences of a lifetime.
Ahhh...the joys of growing up and living and enjoying the life God blessed me with.
Posted by
9:32 PM
Labels: experiences, happiness, life, memories
RSdoesNU: Tokyo Hotel
I booked a hotel in Tokyo for my upcoming visit there. The hotel, not a global chain, was a recommendation from someone who stayed there last year. But I must say that I was turned off by the writing on the website. I understand that English may not be the first language for all but I expected better. Please tell me if you can make sense of any of the words below, which were in my e-mail confirmation.
"From the above-mentioned contents, if very well, please access the following addresses. hear reservation until I have you access-- it does not become precocious"
"The above-mentioned address is divided into two or more lines
depending on mail software. There is a case. In such a case, an
address is connected. Please stick on a browser."
I hope the place looks a lot better than it "sounds".
Posted by
9:27 PM
RStheGr8: Back
It's been only a couple days but without these daily posts I've lost my rhythm. So here's my feeble attempt to get back into the groove. I've got a lot to say but I've got to be choosy about what I say. That's the constant struggle of a careful writer.
Posted by
9:22 PM
Thursday, July 26, 2007
RStheGr8: Jobs, jobs and more jobs
As it’s been on my mind a lot lately, I couldn’t help but think about jobs. At the age of 24, I’ve held down more jobs than most people more than twice my age.
I have had 14 jobs that I can remember! (So that means there could be some that I’ve already forgotten about.)
Newspapers, retail, food, doctor’s office, PR agency, work study and a marketing agency.
Maybe that’s why I feel so anti-work—I’ve seen it all. Well maybe I haven’t but I have seen a lot. I do think that with all my work experience I have a better perspective of what I like and don’t like. I have been a part of all kinds of work environments. I’m still just trying to find the right one even if it happens to be right where I am now—at home.
Posted by
10:28 PM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
RStheGr8: Out of sight?
I haven't been snacking lately. It's not because I'm trying to lose weight. It's not because I don't have any snacks around. It's because the snacks are "out of sight, out of mind". I literally have this issue with everything but it's most annoying when it comes to food. At work, I keep a drawer full of snacks. At home, I have the equivalent. The problem is that I can't see them. I need a reminder to know that they exist. I am even careful about putting things in the refrigerator in a way that allows me to see everything at once. The same goes for the non-perishable items.
This issue is also why I keep my shoes on the floor—instead of under the bed (can't see them under there). It's also why I prefer to lay clothes out on my bed or hang them on the doors of my closet, room or bathroom. I can't tell you how many things I haven't worn simply because I forgot they were there. Now don't get me wrong, I don't have that many clothes. I just can't keep track of them. That was something I've never been good at. Back in middle school, I used to keep a diary with very specific details of my outfit each and every day. I kept this diary for at least 2 years. I remember finding it years later and wondering what I was thinking. But it helped. I would know what I had to wear and when I'd last worn it. It gave me ideas for future outfits.
I forget about movies, music (especially on my vacuum I call my iPod), books, toiletries, dishes. You name it, I forget it.
I wish there was a moral to the story. It just goes to show that I'm going to need see-through everything including refrigerator, cabinets, drawers, etc. For my clothes, a walk-in closet will do. Anything that will help me to keep my things "in sight and in my mind".
Posted by
6:20 PM
Monday, July 23, 2007
RSdoesNU: Cheaper not to keep 'er (Part 2)
I wrote about Sprint getting rid of their customers.
Apparently, I wasn't the only one who agreed. I just hope other companies who experience similar customer issues will jettison them as quickly as Sprint has. It's a drain on the company. And it's a drain on my experience as a customer.
I want better.
Posted by
9:39 PM
Labels: customer retention, customers
RSdoesNU: Job Search (Part 1)
So I’m seriously thinking about the job hunt. It’s become a priority in recent days as I approach the end of my residency. I have a list of things that while I’m not sure they go together, I’d like to have as many of them as possible.
Here are some of them (in no particular order):
*Location: preferably the Bay Area
*Quant.: Exposure to data analysis functions (not necessarily getting my hands dirty; only if I choose to)
*Competitive salary (at least double what I was making before grad school)
*Qualitative analysis
*Ability to work alone and in teams
*Opportunity to telecommute
I’ve got a long list of companies to consider and I’m constantly looking for more. This list (as it evolves) will hopefully help me to weed out some of those companies.
Posted by
9:28 PM
Labels: job, preferences
RStheGr8: CAN
For some reason, I was thinking about some of my early church memories.
My dad volunteered to drive a bus (which later became a van) to pick up kids from the different neighborhoods and bring them to church on Tuesday nights for CAN (children’s activity night).
I remember how excited we all were to see each other and to learn new Bible stories. Our highlight of the night was (honestly) the snacks. Every Tuesday night, we got some kind of snack such as cookies, candy, chips, etc. If you weren’t on your best behavior, you missed out.
I feel that CAN gave me a solid foundation and it enhanced my regular church and Sunday school attendance. It was more laid-back and relaxing because it wasn’t Sunday and provided the opportunity to learn and ask questions in a smaller setting.
Now the church doesn’t have these formal “pick-up” services. I wonder how else CAN has changed. I wonder if not having transportation prevents some kids from coming. I wonder if there is a difference between the kids who go to CAN and the kids who don’t.
Posted by
9:12 PM
Labels: church
Sunday, July 22, 2007
She-Unit: Personality change coming soon?
If what I read is true, my personality is going to change over the next 16 years. In fact, it may have already morphed some over the past 4 years.
"Adults between ages 20 and 40 typically experience a natural change in personality, and courses such as the one at Harper could help facilitate that, he said." (Chicago Tribune article from today)
Well that's good news. I don't plan on completely changing my personality but it would be nice to give it a few "tweaks" here and there. It's good to know it's only natural and that it happens to most people.
Posted by
8:36 PM
Labels: age, change, personality
RSdoesNU: Remember me?
I attended a great social event this past Friday. There were a bunch of people—grad students just like me. I thoroughly enjoyed the various conversations I had with the new people I met—many of them from out of town, 1st time visitors to the Twin Cities. But the biggest problem I have (and keep having) is that I can barely recall names.
Not everyone.
But most people I meet, I forget their name almost instantly. It’s not that I try to forget. It’s more like I need a better way to remember. A 10-minute conversation just won’t do it. Sometimes a 30-minute conversation isn’t enough either. So if I meet you and forget your name, please know that it isn’t because I want to forget. I can’t help it. I realize that I don’t have the easiest name to remember either.
So here’s a solution: leave me your business card. I will make brief notes about what we talked about or maybe what you were wearing or any other standout features. And I promise that next time, I’ll be 73 percent more likely to remember your name.
Posted by
6:07 PM
Labels: business card, names, network, social
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
RStheGr8: Psalms 16:5-6
Here is the CEV* translation of a great Bible verse.
You, Lord, are all I want! You are my choice, and you keep me safe. You make my life pleasant and my future is bright.
Isn't that so vivid and clear? I love how this version puts the Bible in plain, simple language. I wish I owned this version of the Bible for a lot longer than 5 years but very thankful that I found it.
*Contemporary English Version
She Unit: New Years Resolutions (2007)
How have I executed against my New Year's resolutions? It's about that time to briefly reflect on my progress.
Resolutions 2007
Write more often (daily).
Ummm...yeah, blogging. :)
Have fun/hang out more often.
I have a pretty enriching social life at this point.
Utilize my resources.
Hmmm...I should've been a bit more clear on this one.
Travel/take trips/getaways.
Heck yes! I'm going around the world in 60 days. Well kind of: China, Japan, Thailand, Vegas...and wherever else my credit card takes me.
Don’t feel guilty about getting my rest.
I definitely take full advantage of sleep-in Saturdays.
Learn more about myself and about what makes me happy.
Doing this as we speak. See Psalms 16:5-6
Stay positive and not let myself get down.
See above.
Make new friends and get to know old ones better.
Yup! Well kind of.
Do more things because I can.
Shop till I drop. :) Taking advantage of free and cheap DVD rentals to catch up on old classics.
Stop being stingy with money and time.
See above.
Find hobbies.
Again...does blogging count?
I am going to dream more.
Working on this daily.
Posted by
10:18 PM
Labels: dreams, goals, positive, Psalms, resolutions
Monday, July 16, 2007
RSdoesNU: My Top companies
Now that I work in marketing, I see companies and their offerings in a different light. I pay attention to how much they invest in their employees AND their customers. For that reason, there are a handful of companies that I wish I could conduct ALL of my business with (or in some cases, work for).
In no particular order, here they are.
Washington Mutual
Ann Taylor
ING Direct
In N Out
Now this is by no means a complete list. It merely gives a good indication of companies to pay attention to and continue to support since they support me. If you'd like more insight on why I chose these companies, let me know.
Fashionista L: New Shoes...Day 1 (In case you care...)
I wore the new black pumps today and I must say that I put in a lot of work wearing them today.
I had a lot of walking around to do today and I'm glad that I didn't wimp out. But now I have some tired feet.
I know you can't judge a pair of shoes from the first day but it's going to take a lot of energy to convince my little toes to succomb to the confines of the new leather.
Posted by
11:10 PM
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Fashionista L: New Shoes
A few days ago, I purchased these shoes in black and yellow. And I didn't realize until testing them out today that they're now the tallest heels I own. I'm proud of that.
But the real test will be when I actually wear them. I'm debating if I should keep them. I haven't had much luck with this particular brand in the past. However, that was when I wasn't accustomed to wearing heels. These days, heels are all I wear so it may be easier to get used to them.
I did get a good deal on them. And there's no doubt that I'd wear them. I don't know why all the sudden I'm feeling buyer's remorse. Maybe I should just wear them tomorrow and let that make my decision.
P.S. Although it looks like a 2 inch heel, it's actually 4 inches.
Posted by
9:58 PM
Labels: high heels, pumps
Saturday, July 14, 2007
RStheGr8: A Different City
To the brothers of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Incorporated: Thank you!
By bringing your annual conclave to the Twin Cities, you've totally infused the city with a whole new population of black people. Walking around downtown all this week has been such a positive experience. I love seeing you all around the town. Many times this week, I almost forgot I was in Minneapolis.
The new "blood" in the city reminds me of my two favorite cities: Chicago and Washington. In these two places, seeing another person of color is not such a rare occurence--and I miss that.
So thank you again, Kappas/Nupes. It's been a refreshing week with you all in town.
Posted by
11:07 PM
Labels: Kappas, population
Friday, July 13, 2007
She Unit: Fireworks?
To the idiot(s) who thought it was a good idea to set off fireworks at 3:30 in the morning, I just want to know why.
Was it just to be obnoxious? Could you not go somewhere that wasn't residential? What made you think that was a good idea? And why wait until more than a week after the 4th to do it?
I could go on and on about the questions but you get the idea: You suck!
Posted by
8:07 PM
RStheGr8: Work Social Life
Since my first job out of college up until now, I've learned a lot about the importance of work social life. Even now in my temporary work situation, it is critical for me to form relationships and those usually develop after work hours. I'm taking advantage of every opportunity to socialize with co-workers from happy hours to baseball games to lunches. I consider it an investment of my time and money into a bigger long-term reward.
A year ago, I would always pause when co-workers inquired about my weekend plans. Now, I realize that that's one way to forge a connection. I realize that although I didn't always feel like participating, I was only hurting myself. I'm sure I missed out on some deeper connections and friendships in the workplace. Part of a positive work life balance is engagement.
How can you really be engaged if you only go to work and come home every day? That leaves the potential to miss out on so much.
Do you have any thoughts on work-life balance and forming friendships on the job?
Posted by
8:01 PM
Labels: engagement, friends, job, social
Thursday, July 12, 2007
She Unit: Who cares?
How is that I am paying more for gas in the middle of the country in Minneapolis than anyone else in the nation? I don't get it. Are the high gas prices following me around? Or are they just trying to gouge a smaller pool of people now?
All I know is that I've never come close to spending that much money filling my tank in one visit. WTF?
Posted by
11:07 PM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
RSdoesNU: Cheaper not to keep 'er
Sprint decided that it was cheaper to cut ties with 1,000 of their customers rather than to retain their contracts and their business.
Their reasoning: they were costing the company too much money in customer service expenses.
In a time period when customer relationships are critical, I believe in retaining only your best customers. The way the company chose to sever the ties with the less profitable companies was not great and surely does not shed the company in a good light.
However, for a company that I consider myself a good customer of (spend a lot of money, repeat business, refer a friend, etc) I would much rather a company get rid of the bad customers if it means serving me better.
Think about it. If the customer service reps (either over the phone or in a store) are available when I need them and when I'm ready to spend money...wouldn't that be much better? They could focus on serving me better and not be bothered with customers who will never be happy.
Posted by
11:20 PM
Labels: costs, customer retention, loyalty
Monday, July 09, 2007
RStheGr8: Say what you want
I just realized that a bit more than a year ago, I wrote about wanting to busy. I wished it upon myself because it actually happened. For the last part of 2006 and the better part of this year, I was super busy.
This proves my newfound belief. You have to say what you want. Write it down. Say it out loud. It’s that simple. Good thoughts equal good feelings which all equal good will. In this way you bring good things into your life. And it works.
It’s a hard concept to accept at first but at the most basic level here’s one way to help you get in that mindset: In the morning, say that you are going to have a good day. Say that you are happy. Meditate on positive thoughts. Then throughout your day, ask yourself how you’re feeling. If it’s not how you want to feel, visualize and think thoughts to help you get where you want to be.
I admit. I’ve been reading “The Secret.” But I must say this stuff is real…and powerful.
RSdoesNU: Rare and great teachers
Have you ever had a special teacher? One who taught you things you may not understand but never gives up. Who knows that really tough lessons take a lifetime to learn.
I’ve had that teacher. Actually, two teachers come to mind. KC from sophomore year in high school and ERB from freshman year in college. Both people helped to shape the writer I am to do. Careful, thoughtful and one who knows how to take compliments as easily as criticism.
I admire them. I wish they could stay perched on my shoulder to offer timely advice and insight on life lessons. I was never great at staying in touch but if I could talk to either of them right now, I would say thank you.
Thank you for the sacrifice you make as being a teacher. Thanks for being patient with me. Thanks for pushing me beyond what I think I can do. Thank you for seeing something in me worth working on.
P.S. The above quote is from Tuesday’s with Morrie—a great book and movie.
Posted by
7:25 PM
Labels: encouragement, professor, teach, teacher
Friday, July 06, 2007
RStheGr8: I wonder...
I wonder…
where I’ll be this time next year?
Where I’ll spend my Christmas?
if 24 can be any better than 23?
how many more places I’ll travel in 2007?
how many places I’ll travel in 2008?
Today is one of two checkpoints per year I take to reflect on where I’ve been and where I’m going. It’s been an exciting journey and I expect nothing less in the future.
(Excerpt from my 2006 checkpoint)
2007 is MY Year
I am claiming 2007 as my year! I know I’m going to do big things. I’m going to have fun. I’m going to learn more about myself and about what makes me happy. I’m going to continue to stay positive and not let myself get down. I am going to continue to write. I am going to make new friends and get to know old ones better. I am going to do more things because I can. I am going to stop being stingy with money and time. I am going to dream more.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
She-Unit: Nothing is for free
I have a pretty lax stance on downloading music from the internet. But I don't download movies—I just don't see the point. Furthermore, they take way too long to download and they take up gobs of precious hard drive space. Now, there's even more reasons NOT to even think about downloading illegal copies of movies. The MPAA has decided to take policing the illegal download playing field into their own hands. They've set up a site that essentially traps people by encouraging them to download illegally then BAM! You're caught red-handed. It's sneaky and devious. But could you really expect anything less from the desperate, money-hungry music industry?!? It's sad.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
RStheGr8: Me + My Car = Kaizen
Who knew me and my car have so much in common? Check out the following written about Toyota.
Toyota's has captured an obsessive obligation to build better cars, which reflects the Toyota belief in kaizen, or continuous improvement. Finally, the phrase carries with it the responsibility to plan for the long term — financially, technically, imaginatively. (NYT Magazine article, Feb. 2007)
That’s me. I want to hold on to that “kaizen.” I want it in my writing, attitude, lifestyle, relationships and friendships.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
RStheGr8: Laid Off? Now what?
It almost goes without saying that there were more cuts announced in newspapers this week. (See here and here.)
But this round is a bit more personal. This is the 3rd (?) time I know that San Jose Mercury News employees were told to stay home in the morning to see if they'd be getting the axe. Imagine my even greater surprise when I realized that with this latest round of cuts, I now know virtually nobody there anymore--even though I worked there less than two years ago.
The people who have left have always impressed me as a young journalist. I wonder what they will do with their talent. I know the paper isn't letting them go because they're not good. But I want to know just what goes into those decision discussions.
How can a seemingly great journalist get cut just like that? For those journalists who are really talented--what are they supposed to do now? Get jobs that are at-risk at other papers? Or do they have to give up the craft they love, live and breathe?
I just don't get it. And don't bother trying to explain it to me. It will NEVER make sense.
Posted by
3:47 PM
Labels: buyouts, cuts, job, journalism, newspapers, talent, writing
Monday, July 02, 2007
Fashionista L: What should I buy?
In several weeks, I will have the pleasure of visiting China, Japan and Thailand. During my time there, I will be able to take advantage of the opportunity to shop (among other things)!
I've heard Asia is the best place to get things like electronics, custom-made clothes and antiques. So please send me ideas, wish lists, suggestions or anything else. I want to take advantage of one of the best shopping opportunities in the world. If you're lucky, I may just bring you something back! ;)
(Note: Fashionista is my virtual name of Second Life. Meet me online or find out more about Fashionista L later...)
Posted by
8:41 PM
Sunday, July 01, 2007
She's On the Money: I need a business partner
I'm at a point in my life where simply holding down a good job is not enough. I need something to call my own. But I'm not quite ready to give it all up to start my own business. I still need the stability of a paycheck and benefits. In the meantime, I have passion and energy that I want to channel into something I can call my own.
During the past year, I've learned how to work in groups more than ever before. It was an enriching experience. And I believe that with the right partner, I can channel that energy appropriately. I'd be willing to put forth whatever it takes especially considering this is the only time in my life that I won't have to worry about providing for someone else. So, if you're interested, holla at me.
I'm ready to get down to business.
Posted by
9:34 PM
I visited London for the 1st time a couple months ago. I knew that London was on edge from recent attacks and threats (ie July 7, 2005). But now that I've been there and I actually have a frame of reference for the area that was under attack, I'm amazed.
I know I was there a few months ago but it made it all that much easier to visualize the potential destruction of not one but two car explosions. I'm relieved no one was hurt. And I would hate for anything to happen to one of the many great parts of the city.
Here's to London...
Posted by
8:44 PM